Sunday, March 18, 2018

Freeing ourselves...

Fools take a knife and stab people in the back.
The wise take a knife, cut the cord, and free themselves from the fools.

- Unknown

Words to live by. I am somewhat embarassed to admit that I do struggle with the high road at times.
Although I own much of the responsibility for a past shitty break up (dragging my heals for faaaar too long on walking away from a mismatch), I still grapple with the bad after taste. For example, I avoid a chunk of my precious city because I don’t want to run into said cheaters ;) If I was in a formal confessional, I would also have to admit that a number of derogatory names and swear words come to mind when I look back on my humiliating experience. Having said all that, I also know what a waste of my usually sunny demeaner and outlook this is. Truly, I have better things to do with my time and energy. So! Moving on... for real. I’m determined! Just sayin :) Hugs.



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