Monday, November 9, 2015

The "list" and setting the bar...

I think we all have a "list" for a potential partner. I overhear much debate around the topic. Are we "settling" or are we setting our standards unrealistically high? Which is it?

I love this quote: "I never make the same mistake twice. I make it five or six times  just to be sure."  - Anonymous

I love this quote because it helps me laugh about my own romantic mishaps. I think I've had more experiences than I would have wished - kind of a Goldilocks path to Mr Right. One was too this, and the other not enough of that etc. Ugh. All said and done, I was lucky enough to benefit from some great wisdom and advice from a few people; a relationship expert/seminar leader, trusted psychologist and life coach.

In summary, here is some great advice for us:
* Make a really biggest list, with great specifics. Know the deal breakers - things we can't live with and things we can't live without. Be really honest with ourselves about this! Forever is a long time when we're "living" with things that don't really fit.
* Think about how we want to feel in the ideal relationship.
* Think about how we want to be treated (and about how we want to treat someone else).
* Above all, have our own backs. Be true to ourselves and make sure we acknowledge when our boundaries are being crossed. Know when we're being disrespected.
* Speak up about what we want/need. Make requests about what we need/want because nobody can read our minds :)

I wish for us all ... bliss in love. xo



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