Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Broken record...

I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but I can't seem to stop talking about the eb and flow of life and the challenges that come our way. I know and understand that life is a roller coaster ride. I also keep writing about how the "lows" need to be accepted and embraced somehow ... probably because I am so guilty of wanting all of life to be puppy dogs and rainbows - or to quote my favourite therapist "you want everything to be sunny and sunnier"... but, alas, this is not the landscape of life. As with the four seasons, life has cycles and we have to find a way to be ok with some turbulance and not shun our perveived "bad" or unexpected experiences. Is it just me, though, or does something get lost between the brain's logic and the heart's response. Time passes, we survive and good times surely come again... but I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever get better at coping with the hard luck times. Just sayin' ;) ... but of course I'll try!



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