Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Unconditional love...

Is there anything better than unconditional love? I don't think so. That's why animals are so precious. Personally, I'm like the puppy that keeps jumping up, despite the shove off ;) What can I say - I don't seem to wanna grow up, Lol ;) Interesting thing is ... I'm pretty sure we all want unconditional love out there - but do we give it?? I have found myself guilty of judgment. I have certainly found myself guilty of silliness and games, (at least privately - ego death! Lol) when facing "rejection" or when I'm not getting what I want. I work on being more adult about these things, but oops! There's that child like thing again. Having said that, I do strive to accept what comes in life. Particularly, when single and dating, there is much potential for nonsense. I think it takes a very "stable" person to stand on two feet, participate and at the same time know that real connections just happen or not! Whether things "line up" or not seems up the ether ;) I'll keep telling myself that!



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