Friday, June 26, 2015

Make no apologies...

To be selfish or not to be selfish;)? That is the question, Lol;) It's not easy juggling our needs and wants with the needs and wants of our loved ones, factoring in work and all we need to get done in life. How much should we do out of duty and obligation? No easy answers there. All I can say though is this - if guilt and manipulation are part of the program, life can be a real grind. It would be great if we all had the skills to discuss, navigate and negotiate so we can actually choose to do thing things we do. There would be a lot more joy and graciousness in our daily lives. I've been learning to say no more recently. It's not at all easy to let someone down... but our happiness may well hinge on the need to honour our deepest needs and wants. Just sayin! ;) Hugs.



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