Sunday, June 28, 2015

The friend zone...

I love the movie Just Friends with Ryan Reynolds! As a woman, it's very interesting to see what goes on for men behind the scenes (I know this is only a movie, but still, it's so entertaining to watch the romantic complications and dynamics;)). In the movie, Ryan Reynolds' character (Chris Brander) remains in love with his female best friend from high school. Fast forward ten years, he's gone from the fat kid with braces to total rock star music Exec... and yet he reverts back to his high school alter ego as soon as he runs into the hot girl from grad class. I never gave guy "friends" much thought until this movie... I think it's different for women. We tend to send most guys off to friend land without even thinking about it. According to the movie, a guys's gotta get in there and declare romantic intentions but quick - a kiss or something to prevent the woman from sliding dude into friend territory. Anyhow, I just think it's a really interesting phenomenon that I had absolutely no awareness around in high school and ever since really... until the awesome Just Friends movie with the totally fun to watch Ryan Reynolds. Go Vancouver success story! ... and I guess, guys - if you "want" a girl, go for it. Good things come to those who try... with one disclaimer though - be sure the girl is at least somewhat attracted to you, or it could totally suck, Lol;) ... try asking for "alone" time with her or see what happens if you get into her personal space. It these moves fall flat, you might need to move on! ;)



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