Monday, June 22, 2015

The illusion of control...

I love the line Nicole Kidman's character says to Tom Cruise's character in Days of Thunder - "Control is an illusion, you infantile egomaniac." Yeah, so...  pretty much, we have little control in life. We certainly cannot control the economy, the people in our lives (try as we might), the 1% situation etc. etc... I think what's even scarier is not being in control of our own lives. Am I the only one who could use a few take-backs? Honestly, I find myself doing things sometimes and then wish I had kept my mouth shut or I had declined to engage in some less than stellar dynamic with someone! But I guess we cannot possibly know what's coming or what the outcome might be to our actions. It's pretty humbling and sometimes humiliating in hindsight... !! I think we all need some get out of jail cards!!

Just sayin;) !



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