Monday, June 15, 2015

I'm ok... or am I?

I'm ok... or am I?

Are we really ok? How many people have no self worth issues, I wonder? And are self worth issues not at the root of most relationship challenges? Truly, aren't we still looking for "recognition" and acceptance, no matter what age we're at? Obviously some people are more "complete" and content with themselves than others... but I bet deep down we still have a need to be liked and appreciated. Part of being human I guess... personally, it seems that no matter how much how much I accomplish or succeed at, deep down I manage to remain the child that needs to be seen, heard, noticed, counted... important. Regardless of all the therapy and self-help in the world, yoga, great overall health, well-balanced life, enviable support system... I still yearn for the kind of meaningful and fulfilling connection that makes life worth living and makes me feel like I matter.

How 'bout you?



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