Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Work on everything that destroys you…

To work on yourself is the best thing you can do. Accept that you are not perfect, but you are enough. And then start working on everything that destroys you. Your insecurities, your ego, your dark thoughts. You will see in the end you’re going to make peace with yourself. And that’s the greatest thing in the world.

— Unknown

My favourite therapist believes in working with the “Inner Family (Inner Child, Adult, Spirit, Ego),” which is basically the sometimes confusing and often competing voices within us. He believes so strongly in addressing our inner world that he offers individual and relationship therapy weekend seminars. I’ve done a lot of these weekend workshops and they are surprisingly enlightening. My big take aways are; the Inner Child has unmet needs from our upbringing, Ego is a fierce protector but can be cold and a potential hindrance to relationships and whether religious or not, having some sort of higher power for support can be profoundly comforting. Our often polite adult self is the face we show the public, but there is so much more going on behind the scenes. The more I’ve looked at my unmet needs and problematic fears, the more balanced, stable and fulfilled I’ve felt. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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