Monday, August 8, 2022

“Little gifts of silence”…

A practice for when we find our plans have been waylaid—we’re in a long line at the store or there’s unexpected traffic or our phone is broken or out of batteries. Rather than get distressed, angry, or caught up in that, take that moment to be grateful for the break from all that sound and stimulus. Be grateful for that moment of quiet— where you can invite in the silence and just be…

* Take this event as a gentle reminder that you are not in complete control of everything.

* Instead of becoming frustrated, reframe the delay as an opportunity to savour an unstructured moment. Avoid the temptation to fill it.

* Ask yourself, “How can I use this moment to recharge?”

— Snapshot from the book Golden: The Power of Silence in a World of Noise, written by Leigh Marz and Justin Zorn

Two things stand out for me; we are not in complete control of everything and using unstructured moments to recharge. I’ve filed these pointers away and I’m feeling just a touch more relaxed already, Lol. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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