Sunday, August 21, 2022

Beneath the anger…

I sat with my anger long enough, 

until she told me her real name was grief.

— Unknown

My favourite therapist likens the myriad of emotions we feel to the layers of an onion. My aha moment was the realization that beneath anger is typically hurt. Put another way, there’s a saying that “A man yelling is the equivalent of a baby crying.” As I grapple with my mother’s passing, I’ve been observing  intense moments of anger and I’ve been able to address some old hurts sitting in the wings. I also know, from years of excellent counselling, that I just need to feel what I’m feeling and I will eventually get to the other side, where at least some resolution and peace sit patiently waiting. As my favourite therapist says, some things are just our legacy, and cannot be changed. But we can find a reprieve from our past wounds by feeling, grieving and then settling the old stuff in our mental and emotional attic. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO




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