Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The “ani-ambition”…

The Pandemic has touched off a reckoning when it comes to our relationship with work, The Guardian notes. For many, this has meant swapping an unrelenting climb up the corporate ladder with a desire to slow down, draw firmer boundaries, switch careers, or retire early.

— Saundra Latham 

I don’t know about you, but I’m hearing much coffee shop/friend circle/virtual water cooler chatter around work/life balance. There seems to be a clear consensus around limiting excessive work hours when there is an obvious lack of return. It’s one thing to go over-and-above and feel valued. It’s another thing for bosses/companies to expect ongoing overtime hours, without recognition or reward. Personally, I’m investing in ways to work smarter, not harder. Some work activities have already fallen by the way side and I’m loving the new found sense of calm. Just sayin’ :) Hugs, XO 



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