Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Multitasking causes stress (on top of Covid!)...

According to research from the University of Houston, multitasking dials up stress levels, which can compromise our happiness and create fear. These feelings also tend to be contagious, so a one-thing-at-a-time approach is strongly recommended for the benefit us all. Personally, I’m finding this Covid time busier than ever, despite working from home. There also seems to be a constant layer of anxiety with the teenage-like grounded feeling and looming unknowns. When will there be an effective treatment? Will we find a vaccine and if so, how long will it take? 12 - 18 months is apparently optimistic and that’s a long way off, to say the least. I’m an optimist to a fault and yet I find myself a bit rattled. When will we get to hug people again? When will be get to travel again? Of course safety is first. Goes without saying. But the losses are real and they are significant, with industries and businesses in trouble. This is all quite intimidating, even for a glass-half-full girl like myself. Having said that, I keep thinking “this too shall pass.” We’ve survived 911, we’ve survived the financial crisis of 2008 and earlier generations endured frightening wars. So, I say, we can do this. We’re gonna get through this. Together. Hang in there everyone. Be strong. Love and lots of virtual hugs. XO



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