Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Healing is on us...

Your wound is probably not your fault.
But your healing is your responsibility.

— Unknown

I embarked on “rebirthing” healing a ways back, at the urge of my ex (many thanks for that) because I was suffering from ongoing family stress. The practitioner followed the teachings of “A Course in Miracles” and my take away is that we have to “own” everything in our lives, in order to heal and move on. In other words, although some of us were victimized in our younger years, we do not want to remain in “victim mode” and render ourself powerless in the present and future. My favourite therapist (traditional psychologist) says something similar. He says we cannot change where we were born, who our parents are and what we were subjected to growing up, but if we so choose, we can embark on a healing path, in whichever way resonates for us. I’ve tried a number of different approaches, and honestly, I feel they all had a very positive impact (EMDR, traditional therapy, energy work such as Reiki, Body Talk, Craniosacral, group therapy) Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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