Friday, August 4, 2023

What is love?…

The Ego asked:
‘What is love? It’s too big a word for me. I don’t understand it at times.” 

The Soul replied:
‘If you understand Kindness,
If you understand Respect,
If you understand Acceptance,
Then you will understand Love.’

— Richa Rana (Creator of The Dignified Soul. Rana, an engineer by education, worked in the banking-corporate world for a decade. After “relentless nudging” by her soul, she began an inward journey and discovered a passion for observing the world around her, finding wisdom and insights, writing, and seeking the deeper meaning of life). 

I can relate. I’ve worked in business development for thirty years, and although I’ve carved out quite a lucrative position, there is a grind to it. So, I dabble on the side, in search of a path that offers deeper meaning and fulfilment. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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