Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Give up the idea that you will be perfect…

Boundaries With Yourself

Look like

* Not buying things you can’t afford
* Taking regular breaks during the day
* Keeping the promises you make to yourself
* Ending a toxic relationship
* Creating a healthy sleep routine
* Taking time to honour your feelings and process your thoughts
* Talking to yourself like you would talk to a loved one
* Giving up the idea that you will be perfect


The stand out item for me is “Ending a toxic relationship.” It took me a really long time to respect my personal deal breakers (such as repetitive lateness, messiness, ongoing discord) and walk away from dynamics that made me feel anxious and generally uncomfortable. When I made the decision to wait it out, I found a much more compatible fit for my personality, in both love and friendship. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs and good luck. XO



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