Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year, with some calming statements…

Affirmations for relaxation

1. I am calm 
2. My mind is slowing down
3. Peace washes over me
4. All tension melts from my body
5. I am centred
6. I release all negative emotions
7. I am relaxed

— Unknown

I don’t know about you, but I had a few particularly stressful moments over the holidays. (Some family stuff, plus I was attacked and bitten by a very large dog at a friend’s home?! The wound is still healing more than a week later. Ouch). Admittedly, I was sulking a bit while surfing Pinterest and happened to came across the calming statements above. And you know what, it actually worked. I spent time on each statement and found my breathing did slow down. I managed to calm down a fair bit… so I thought I’d share. Happy New Year everyone! Hugs and good luck! XO



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