Sunday, May 15, 2022

Which of our needs are going unmet?…

We own our emotions. They do not own us.

When we recognize that our thoughts are just thoughts, we can use them to find which of our needs are going unmet, and make choices that set us up for the lives we want to lead.

— Susan David (Psychologist. Harvard Medical School. TED Speaker. Author of the #1 WSJ bestseller Emotional Agility. Co-Founder of Institute of Coaching)

My favourite therapist leads with this same philosophy. That recognizing our feelings provides critical information in helping us make healthy choices and potentially requests of others. I’ve been observing my inner negotiations lately. Must I do errands, chores, or something cultured, or can I play hookie and go to a matinee or visit the Catfe, where I can tune out and play with the kitty cats? More and more, I’ve been giving myself a get out of jail card because I know my mental health depends on it. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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