Monday, May 16, 2022

The pain made you stronger…

I think that when enough time has passed, when you’ve survived that which you didn’t imagine you could, there’s a dignity in that. Something you can own. A pride in knowing the pain made you stronger. The pain made you fight to succeed. Someday, when I’m living my dreams, I’m going to think of all the things that broke my heart and I’m going to be thankful for them.

— Mia Sheridan

I’ve been reflecting on this very train of thought. I survived painful marital break down (s!), which led to my perfect relationship (even when it isn’t perfect). I survived the 2008 financial crisis, and this led to my very favourite career role (and to a very cool entrepreneurial endeavour, on the side so far). I have survived near bankruptcy, which taught me how to NOT spend, leading to more savings and financial freedom than I could have imagined. I’ve also survived being alone, feeling alone (with less parental support than I would have desired), which has led to greater independence and personal resolve than I could have fathomed. I have survived stressful, anxiety-causing, miserable times and this has all led me to giddy and fulfilling times. So today, I am grateful for all of the painful experiences because they have led to the most rewarding years of my life. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck! XO




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