Saturday, May 14, 2022

The misunderstood power of doubt…

Doubt is a healthy type of friction  

Doubt can be a healthy form of friction that can slow us down before we rush in to decide:

* Do I really have the correct information to give a definitive answer?

* Have I really figured out what to do next?

We’ll try to move through doubt as quickly as possible to get to an answer, the next chapter, or any concrete end point. But what if doubt’s role is to make us pause before we rush to decide?

Paralyzing doubt pull us backwards or downwards; productive doubt pushes us forwards.

Productive doubt doesn’t hold us back but keeps us still long enough to consider other options and choices… periods of intense doubt pushed me out of a comfortable place, the known, and into a new place of making, being, and discovery.

— Rachel Botsman, excerpt from How to embrace the misunderstood power of doubt (Host of the podcast Rethink Moments, Speaker, including 3 TED talks, Author of the two critically acclaimed books, Who Can You Trust and What’s Mine is Yours, and creator of Oxford University’s first course on trust in the digital world at the Said Business School)

Well! I just love this information and I will take it very much to heart. I am, and have always been on fast forward. I’ve had to back track more than once due to my impatience (most limiting trait) and determination to forge forward. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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