Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Social media and comparing...

Social media is training us to compare our lives, instead of appreciating everything we are. No wonder why everyone is always depressed.

— Bill Murray

I think a lot of us end up comparing ourselves to more successful/well off people ... we’re only human after all. Most people I know feel they should be further ahead and some feel they’re not living the life they imagined at all. Social media brings all of this into living colour, that’s for sure. But as my favourite therapist says, “some things are just our legacy. We cannot change where we were born, who our parents are and our socioeconomic beginnings.” I think we should cut ourselves some slack because I have a feeling we’re doing the best we can. We have feelings and emotions, past challenges/trauma’s and a general unfairness of life to contend with. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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