Friday, March 19, 2021

Celebrating inconvenient discomforts...

Poet Wendell Berry says “it’s the immemorial feelings” he likes best: “hunger and thirst and their satisfaction; work-weariness and earned rest: the falling again from loneliness to love.” Notice that he doesn’t merely love the gratification that comes from quenching his hunger and thirst. The hunger and thirst are themselves essential components of his joy. Work-weariness and loneliness are not simply inconvenient discomforts that he’d rather live without. He celebrates them, as well.

— Rob Brezny

This sounds much like the “too much of a good thing” notion. With the persistent Covid restrictions, I’m itching for face-to-face work meetings, work travel and rigorousness. Before Covid I would have given everything for a slow down and added rest. Now I tire of the rest, Lol. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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