Monday, February 1, 2021

You’ve survived...

You’ve survived 100% of your worst days so far. 

Keep going.

— @motivating.force

I survived a particularly terrifying time of my life. Post 2008 financial crisis, I lost my fancy new job and spent three years trying to get back to a customary position/salary level. I had sleepless nights and a truck load of fear to manage, but I did survive. An old manager of mine called one day and rescued me big time. He offered me a senior position with fantastic salary and benefits. Fewf. What I realize looking back is that I didn’t just survive. I spent 3 years learning about constructive and healthy money management. I also ascended to a new level of sanity saving life skills; resiliency, perseverance, patience, belief in self, emotion management. Once in the new career/finance saving position (thanks forever to my former manager/friend), I had one goal and that was to be indispensable. I’ve never looked back, I’ve never achieved more and I’ve never accomplished more financial freedom in my life. I’m pretty sure I took my career for granted back when because there were always loads of jobs around. I now know that I have to prepare for the unpredictable because if Covid has taught us anything, we surely know we need to be prepared for whatever may come. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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