Sunday, February 21, 2021

“12 Things to Always Remember” ...

1. The Past can’t be changed.

2. Opinions don’t define your Reality

3. Everyone’s Journey is different.

4. Judgements are not about you.

5. Overthinking will lead to Sadness.

6. Happiness is found within.

7. Your Thoughts affect your mood.

8. Smile is contagious.

10. It’s okay to let go and Move on.

11. What goes around, comes around.

12. Things always get better with Time

— Unknown

The one that stands out for me is “Your thoughts affect your mood.” From everything I’ve been reading and learning, our thoughts may have a much bigger impact on our lives than we realize. My favourite therapist recommends thoughtfully considering what we do and questioning at least some of our “shoulds”. He says (and I’m paraphrasing of course) if we respect our deepest needs and wants more often, our happiness, health and well being should naturally improve. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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