Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Don’t fear failure...

Don’t fear failure. 

Fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today.

— Unknown

It is said that if we don’t take action in our lives, stuff will just happen to us, and not necessarily in the way we want. I learned this lesson, painfully, a couple times actually. I put off leaving a relationship because I was waiting for the “right” time and ended up getting schooled. The guy I was seeing ended up being even further out of the relationship than I was and moved in with someone else within about five days of our break up. Duh! I had a similar experience with career many years back. I was with a company and realized the culture just didn’t line up with my values and principles. Again, I delayed leaving because  I was trying to find the “perfect” position elsewhere. The change happened, but not in the way or time frame I would have wanted. Double duh! I have since payed VERY close attention to my life, how I feel about everything in it and I make changes in a timely manner, if need be. Happily and gratefully, I’m in my dream career position and I’ve been with the love of my life for almost six years now. Yay! Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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