Monday, July 6, 2020

What you really want...

Sometimes you just need to be alone to find out who you really are and what you really want.

— Unknown

I didn’t necessarily make the decision to be alone, but I knew I’d rather be alone than be in another one of those painful relationships that’s a struggle for both people. Being alone after a bad break up was the best thing that ever happened to me. I conducted a post mortem on all of my past relationships and my mistake became very, very clear. There were actually deal breakers within each partnership. I just hadn’t admitted it. For example, one of my partners was chronically late, even to important family functions and movies (and I absolutely HATE missing the beginning of a movie. In fact, I’d rather not see the movie at all). We were also the “Odd Couple” at home. I’m a crazy neat freak, and my partner was, well let’s just say, the opposite, Lol. On my last relationship, I played it safe and ended up in something that was quite pleasant actually, but not, in truth, a passionate, in love partnership. We were fairly compatible collaborators, who treated each other well, but there was no glue, no real partnership there. We ended up going in different directions and that was perfect. This relationship due diligence led to the easiest and most fulfilling life partnership ever. We like to do the same things, we have the same goals and notions for the rest of our lives together, we have chemistry to burn, and we know how to navigate troubled waters with respect, love and kindness toward one another. We always take the time to listen to each other’s concerns/feelings/wants/fears/disappointments. From there we are able to make requests of one another and happily make plans that accommodate us both. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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