Saturday, July 25, 2020

“Blind to the future without feeling completely blindsided by it”...

Evidence of innovation and adaptive behaviour runs throughout this issue. In contemplating grief, we found solid evidence that people possess more internal resources for recovery than they’ve been led to believe...We know what needs to be fixed in the country today. And the evidence is that fixes, when they come, will be incremental, grass roots, and bottom-up. What’s needed is emotional stoicism and behavioural flexibility—a mix that allows us to remain blind to the future without feeling completely blindsided by it.

— Kara Perina (Psychology Today, August 2020, Grief and the Losses No One Talks About)

I survived the 2008 financial crisis and I’m the better for it. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t wanna go through that again, Lol (sleepless nights, scary job search and sweating over bills). But I permanently altered key behaviours that continue to deliver financial freedom and security. I used to think of a budget as a boring and rigid restriction to fun, adventure and entertainment/joy. Wrong! I now realize managing my finances closely allows me to make better choices around my spending. Often I’m happy to forgo potentially frivolous purchases in favour of seeing my bank balance rise. Who knew I’d enjoy consignment shopping so much. It’s like treasure hunting. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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