Sunday, March 8, 2020

Yours alone...

It’s your road, and yours alone.
Others may walk it with you,
but no one can walk it for you.

— Rumi

My life dramatically changed when I became brutally honest with myself and began making decisions just for me. I went through a bad (and humiliating) break up and rather than nursing my wounds, took ownership of the situation. First off, in truth I had been wanting out of the relationship for about a year, but wasn’t certain that my ideal partner actually existed. Second, I pretty much left the relationship, but didn’t move out. (Not fair to my partner that’s for sure). Third, I have always found change very difficult, even though it’s typically a breath of fresh air. Fourth, moving sucks, Lol. Okay, so once I got through all of that, I made four big commitments to myself and stuck to them. The results continue to be astonishing in every way; I’m making more money than I’ve ever made, my relationship is perfect even when it isn’t perfect, I make time for myself every morning as a reality/sanity check (I love writing and/or working out, as both relieve stress and generally make me feel good, so that’s what I do). I’m still committed to drawing healthy boundaries, but this one is a bit more work (and I lean on  professional help), especially when it comes to longer term relationships (family!), with complicated history. Just sayin’  ;) Hugs. XO



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