Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Close quarters...

In these challenging times, a lot of us are working/living at close quarters with our partners/family/friends. I read a great article on how to manage the friction that inevitably comes with our particular habits and quirks. The therapist recommended creating and naming a fictional roommate/colleague and using this person to air grievances. For example, a couple named their roommate/colleague Judy and anytime something came up they’d blame it on Judy. “Can you believe Judy keeps leaving dirty coffee cups all over the house.” Ha ha ha. “I didn’t realize Judy was such a chocoholic. I noticed all the wrappers.” Lol. I think that’s hilarious. My partner and I have totally adopted this suggestion. The first thing he said was “I don’t know if everyone in the office was consulted on turning up the music.” He he. He was joking of course, but we both agreed it was funny and worked like charm. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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