Friday, February 14, 2020

Feel the love...

In the course of your life, how many people and animals have truly loved you? Three? Seven? More?
I invite you to try this Valentine experiment: write down their names on a piece of paper. Spend a few minutes visualizing the specific qualities in you that they cherished, how they expressed their love, and how you felt as you received their caring attention. Then send out a beam of gratitude to each of them. Honour them with sublime appreciation for having treasured your unique beauty. Amazingly enough, doing this exercise will magnetize you to further outpourings of love.

— Rob Brezny,

I tried this exercise and I’m kind of amazed at how good it felt. My favourite therapist says that (based on his 40 years of practice) a lot of us growing up may have felt the most love from an extended relative or pet, rather than our immediate family. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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