Monday, February 3, 2020


Choice is the most powerful tool we have. Everything boils down to choice. We exist in a field of infinite possibilities. Every choice we make shuts an infinite number of doors and opens and infinite number of doors. At any point we can change the direction of our lives by a simple choice. It is all in our hands, our hearts, and our minds.


From everything I’ve been reading, we may have a bigger impact on our lives than we realize. The main themes are; what we eat (vegetables/protein/healthy fats/lots of water vs burgers/fried foods/soda/sugar/salt/booze?), what we spend our time thinking about (wishes/dreams/hope/possibility vs negativity/anger/defeatist thoughts?) and activity level (getting out for a walk vs Netflix surfing?). The movie Brittany Runs a Marathon does a great job of depicting someone who starts making different decisions and transforms herself and her life in the process. True story! Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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