Monday, December 9, 2019

Learn too late...

10 things people learn too late:
1. Everything is temporary
2. Life isn’t fair
3. Family matters more than friends
4. Others treat you the way you treat yourself
5. Beneath anger there’s always fear
6. Happiness is a choice and requires hard work
7. A lifetime isn’t so long as you think
8. The biggest risk is not taking any risks
9. Things don’t matter so much
10. You played it too safe

— Unknown

Two things stand out for me. First, my favourite therapist says beneath anger is always hurt, particularly regarding our background/family of origin/past relationships. He believes we should delve into that fear/anger and resolve/heal those old wounds, which likely stand between us and better quality relationships. Second, # 4 is interesting. I hadn’t thought of it that way. I’ve heard the expression “we teach others how to treat us”, but not “others treat you the way you treat yourself.” Makes me realize I should nurture and spoil myself more. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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