Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Steps to change your life...

1. Stop complaining and appreciate how lucky you are every day.
2. Embrace loneliness and reinvent yourself in the process.
3. Say goodbye to the people that don’t bring positive energy into your life.
4. Commit to the goals you set and never look back.

— averstu.com (A great quote blog!)

A lot of thoughts come to mind for me. Ultimately, what I’ve learned is that everything truly begins and ends with us. I think we can find motivation and inspiration from external sources, but no one can do the doing for us. If we so choose, we can make the decision to change and improve our lives, even if we just take the tiniest steps forward. (Ps. We may have legitimate chemical, physical or emotional barriers and that’s another matter, in which case we deserve much compassion, understanding and patience). I found myself living the four steps above after a particularly humiliating break up. I dragged my heals on ending the relationship and it hugely blew up in my face, duh! Amazingly enough, this gave me the inspiration and motivation to; be grateful for all the good in my life, regroup and prioritize, make some cuts and surround myself with positivity and growth, set meaningful goals and stick to them. I really did this and I committed fully. The results; landed my dream job which pays more than I’ve ever made in my life, met the ultimate man of my dreams and still pinching myself, find alone time as fulfilling as time with my sexy hot man or any other fun thing I can think of. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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