Saturday, November 23, 2019

No regrets (but let’s learn)...

In order to love who you are,
you cannot hate the experiences
that shaped you.

— Unknown

I catch myself reviewing the past and beating myself up for bad decisions; less than stellar relationship match ups, lagging at work sometimes, resentment over my upbringing, disappointment over challenging familial relationships and on and on. My favourite therapist says all we can do is get better and better at being in the present and acting on the information we have at hand. He says if we look back we can learn about where we’ve ignored our instincts, intuition and outright signs. He says, with regard to choosing romantic partners, odds are we saw telling signs within the first two weeks of dating. (For example, in one of my relationships there was extreme lateness and an overall lack of consideration, which are hands down deal breakers for me. I let that relationship go on for 6 years. Oy vey). Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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