Friday, April 14, 2017

List of funny and profound eternal truths - Part Two...

Compliments of Joel Brass, therapist extraordinaire (written by Sheldon B. Kopp)

11 - 30, of 43

11. You have a responsibility to do your best nonetheless.
12. It is a random universe to which we bring meaning.
13. You don't really control anything.
14. You can't make anyone love you.
15. No one is any stronger or weaker than anyone else.
16. Everyone is, in their own way, vulnerable.
17. There are no great persons.
18. If you have a hero, look again; you have diminished yourself in some way.
19. Everyone lies, cheats, pretends (yes, you too, and most certainly I, myself).
20. All evil is potential vitality in need of transformation.
21. All of you is worth something, if you will only own it.
22. Progress is an illusion.
23. Evil can be displaced but never eradicated, as all solutions breed new problems.
24. Yet it is necessary to keep on struggling toward solution.
25. Childhood is a nightmare.
26. But it is so very hard to be an on-your-own-cause-there-is-no-one-else-to-to-it-for-you grown up.
27. Each of us is ultimately alone.
28. The most important things, each person must do for himself.
29. Love is not enough, but it sure helps.
30. We have only ouselves and one another. That may not be much, but is sure helps.

- Sheldon B. Kopp, If you Meet Buddha on the road, Kill Him!

The courage to accept who we really are warts and all, bravery in realizing we have no choice but to deal with certain things on our own in life, surrender to what life brings and above all being open to and welcoming love into our lives are some of the things that come to mind when pondering such wisdom. Just sayin' :) Hugs.



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