Sunday, April 2, 2017

Energy suck...

I'm all for giving selflessly and it can feel really good to help someone in need. For self-preservation however, we may need to revisit the emotional balance sheet once in a while. Are our relationships mutually beneficial? Do we give and receive effortlessly with one another? Or is there energy going out the back door? We all experience temporary set backs and tough times in life. Fair enough. Unfortunately, the "tough times" and poor me attitude can persist and become tiring. Personally speaking, I think we owe it to ourselves to be aware of where and when our energy is being drained. We all have challenges and stressors in our lives and frankly we need our own energy reserves for our own health and well-being. We are responsible to ourselves first and foremost and then we can extend to others if and when we are able... duty and obligation tempered, we're allowed to take ourselves off the crisis hotline if we need to. Just sayin' :) Hugs.



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