Thursday, September 7, 2023

Kind or people pleasing?

This is not being kind, it is people pleasing:

* Repeatedly forgiving people who refuse to change 
* Not expressing your feelings when you are upset
* Taking on more than you can handle even when you are very tired
* Not standing up for yourself when people are disrespectful
* Being passive with your concerns and issues
* Being a crutch for others when you are burnt out
* Always apologizing first during conflict because you cannot stand others to be upset with you
* Being everyone’s support system but your own
* Saying ‘yes’ to things and regretting it later

— Unknown 

Yup, some of these definitely apply to my younger self. Fortunately, my favourite therapist taught me how to “have my own back.” He says doing things out of duty and obligation can be fine some of the time, granted that one has the time/energy/emotional capacity, but he taught me that prioritizing self care is healthy, and not selfish. Just sayin’:) Hugs and good luck. XO



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