Friday, September 22, 2023

I water you, you water me…

When two givers indulge in a connection, it’s like magic.
It’s alchemy.
I water you, you water me.
We never drain each other, 
we just grow.  

— Unknown 

Geez, I wish I’d figured this out earlier. I found my perfect mate after a few failed relationships, and looking back now, I can see at least two deal breakers with each of those partnerships. Whoops! There’s a great exercise you can do (I think it was from Keeping the Love You Find, recommended by my favourite therapist), that rates all of your past relationships, so you can see your choices clearly. Most importantly, this savvy post mortem allows you to identify any red flags up front and do not pass go. According to my therapist, tendencies and potential warning signs can be identified within two weeks of meeting someone. So when I met my husband to be, I had my “list” and I spent a few weeks and months doing my research on this new person, and our connection together. Even with the crazy chemistry we had, I had no interest in making a big commitment to another flawed relationship. Been there, done that, thank you very much. Chemistry, companionship, similar values, future goals, mutual respect and personal integrity, ability to talk about everthing and resolve challenges when they come up were my primary requirements (Ps. I also realized this sort of due diligence is a great idea regarding friendships as well). Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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