Monday, May 29, 2023

Watch how quickly your life upgrades…

Want to throw a glitch into the matrix?

When you get sad, listen to music you normally listen to when you’re happy.
If you get your heart broken, throw a party.
Didn’t get the promotion? Thank them as if you did and work as if you did.
Stop feeding the emotions of your environment. 
Your behaviour is coded and memorized through habitual patterns from your past. 
If you start to break them, you will break them. 
Your energy responds to you, not your circumstances.

Watch how quickly your life upgrades.

— Unknown 

I like it. I’m going to celebrate the couple of yucky things that just happened, and act as though I chose this new direction. Yucky or not, I have a feeling I’ve landed on the right path. (Some old, draining energy was jettisoned from my life. I was finding it hard to close the chapter, due to some nostalgic history, so I’ll thank the Universe/stars/fate or whatever for the assist). Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO 



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