Saturday, May 27, 2023

Things you don’t always have to be doing…

* Healing. Take a break. Put some of that emotional baggage down and rest.

* Changing. There will be dormant seasons. Let them be.

* Figuring out what’s next. Practice being present and in the moment. Even if we try to plan for tomorrow, it can turn out differently. Relax a little.

* Trying to fix things. Some things are what they are— more acceptance, less forcing.

* Working on yourself. It’s okay to be a work in progress, and it’s also fine not to be.

* Worrying. I know it’s hard not to worry. Take a deep breath and let ease find you.

* Being positive. Sometimes life and circumstances are hard AF. You don’t always have to “look on the bright side.” Feel all of your feelings versus trying to bypass them with toxic positivity.

— Alex Elle (Washington based bestselling author, wellness educator and podcast host. Writing came to Elle by way of therapy and the exploration of healing through journaling and mindfulness. Her newest book, How We Heal, provides a roadmap for tapping into your inner child). 

I don’t know about you, but this is the perfect wisdom for me today. In this moment, and on this particular weekend (at least), I am going to relax into taking a break, not fixing, and not planning. Just sayin’ ; ) Hugs and good luck. XO



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