Monday, May 8, 2023

Haven’t clearly expressed yourself?…

If I did something wrong, communicate. 
If I hurt your feelings, make me aware of it.
If I didn’t listen well enough, tell me again in a way I’ll understand.
If I’m insensitive to your needs, to your desires, 
or to your thoughts, tell me so I can consider them.
However, don’t ever hold an attitude with me because you haven’t clearly expressed yourself.
I’m not a mind reader.

— Sylvester McNut 

I’m feel fortunate, and very grateful, to have learned how to clearly and respectfully communicate in a treasured relationship. Just in time for my perfect partner! Fewf. It wasn’t always this way, which may explain my two divorces, Lol. I used to sulk silently, or get defensive and/or sit in a hurt place for a while. I now understand how to “invite” a great discussion, so that both people can share their experience, their thoughts, their feelings, their needs and their desires. Having said that, some relationships just seem at odds, at the core. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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