Thursday, October 6, 2022

Try a break from complaining? …

Go 24 hours without complaining. (Not even once).

Then watch how your life starts changing.

— Unknown

A lot of wise (and successful) people recommend a gratitude mindset. Avoiding the temptation to complain would be a first step, I guess and it’s probably worth a shot. I figure I’ve been complaining a bit too much lately, with the state of the world; alarming cost of living, extreme weather events/climate change, looming recession, the Ukraine/Russia conflict, not to mention the stressors of everyday life. But I’m going to commit to writing out my blessings; amazing life partner, a job I really enjoy and feel proud of, joyful hobbies and more. (They say writing it out helps). Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO 



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