Sunday, October 9, 2022

Something made you feel unwanted…

Reason # 1 You Attracted a Narcissist (or bad/unhealthy relationship):

You have unresolved wounds from childhood. You were either abused in your childhood or felt unloved. 

You felt you always had to prove your worth. You might have actually been, or just felt, neglected.

Something made you feel unwanted.

— Unknown 

My favourite therapist says learn to “have your own back, all the way” and watch your relationship(s) improve dramatically. This means, essentially, taking care of one’s own needs, sometimes ahead of duty/obligation/compromises. For me, this meant being more selective in choosing a mate. They say “don’t be so picky”, but in my experience, I needed to be more discerning. I was willing to be brutally honest with myself about who I am, what I enjoy doing/not doing, the kind of life I envision living, what I want to do more of/less of/never again etc. From there, I was quite clear about the sort of match I needed. I wish I could go back and tell my 20/30 year old self this stuff. Above all, I would say “attraction is a great starting point, but looks and chemistry do not a relationship make, Lol.” Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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