Thursday, October 13, 2022

Be a victim, or problem solve?…

Life is all about choices.

You can choose to play a victim or be a problem-solver.

— success.tym

What I learned in therapy, is that it’s not so simple. To paraphrase my favourite therapist, most of us tend to have programs running silently in the background (unconsciously), that at least somewhat sabotage our most important relationships. He says, not only are we in the dark on some of these pesky “issues”, but there’s also a forest for the trees aspect with old baggage. In a nutshell, the most problematic stuff typically requires the help of a professional. It certainly did for me. And I’m still working on it, years later. As my favourite therapist also says, some things are just our legacy. We cannot change who our parents are, where we were born, or the conditions of our upbringing. But we can strive to ease the burdens, allow some space around the old wounds and lessen some of the reactionary behaviour. Just sayin’ :) Hugs, and good luck. XO



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