Sunday, June 12, 2022

Healing is messy, and there’s no timeline…

It’s okay if you thought you were over it, but it hits you all over again.

It’s okay to fall apart even if you thought you had it under control.

You’re not weak.  

Healing is messy. And there’s no timeline for healing.

— Unknown

Amen. I’ve been working on my “issues” for more than 25 years. My sister recently asked the great question “Are you still working on that old childhood stuff?” And I said “Mostly I address the cumulative stress that life brings, but, yeah, sometimes I get triggered by the old family drama.” And you know what, I don’t feel bad about that. It feels very nurturing to allow myself a few moments of sadness. As my favourite therapist says, we cannot change our legacy; where we were born, our family of origin, the socioeconomic status we grew up in, the traumatic events we faced etc. But it’s never too late, and we’re never too old, to mourn what our “Inner Child” had to endure. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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