Thursday, February 10, 2022

What you give out…

Be a reflection of what you’d like to receive.

If you want love, give love.  

If you want truth, be truthful.

If you want respect, give respect.

What you give out will always return.

— Kristen Butler (American former four-time professional All-Star softball catcher and current head coach for Rutgers. She won SEC Player of the Year in 2006 and currently ranks top-10 in career RBI’s and home runs for the National Pro Fastpitch league). 

I’ve been paying more attention to this philosophy of late and I love how it makes me feel. For example, when a friend privately comes under fire with our precious group, I’ll take that person’s case on by offering up some get out of jail explanations. When I offer that space and slack to someone else, it’s as though I’m myself giving myself that same permission to be imperfect. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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