Monday, February 7, 2022

How emotions affect the organs…

Emotions are mental stimuli that influence our everyday lives. Under normal circumstances, they are not a cause of illness but if they go ‘wrong’ they’re considered as one of the major internal causes of disease in Traditional Chines Medicine (TCM). 

Emotions only become a cause of disease when they’re excessive, prolonged or both:

Anger weakens the - liver (rage, fury, aggravation can lead to excessive, damaging energy)

Grief weakens the - lungs (lungs control the flow of energy in our bodies, so grief can be very draining)

Worry weakens the - stomach (too much pensiveness/overthinking weakens digestion)

Stress weakens the - heart and brain (lack of joy can make us feel stuck and cause insomnia)

Fear weakens the - kidney (change of life direction/unstable living conditions can cause energy challenges)


My father (bless his heart and RIP Dad. You were also amazing in many ways) was quick to anger. He was downright scary at times, particularly when I was younger, but even into my adult years. (Think Al Pacino in Godfather part Two. It’s that southern Italian, mafioso vibe). In some instances that kind of energy can be very commanding (my father was tremendously successful in his line of work) and maybe even cool on some level. But he died of liver cancer at 59. So! I’m a bit of a believer when it comes to emotions wreaking havoc with our system and our health. I’m quieter than my Dad and fall into the pensive/overthinking category. I’ve been working with an energy healer for quite a while now, which works wonders and keeps everything “moving”as it should, Lol. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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