Wednesday, December 15, 2021

What do boundaries feel like…

It is not my job to fix others.

It is okay if others get angry.

It is okay to say no.

It is not my job to take responsibility for others. 

I do not have to anticipate the needs of others.

It is my job to make me happy.

Nobody has to agree with me.

I have the right to my own feelings.

I am enough.

— Unknown 

I think I may have posted this quote before, but I just enjoy the feelings of validation re-reading the list. Our parents did their best, as did their parents and the parents before them. The problem is, in my opinion, if we don’t learn about healthy boundaries growing up, we may never learn about them. Thankfully, I learned a whole new set of relationship skills in private therapy, group therapy, life coaching, relationship seminars, and I’m so glad I did. My relationships are more meaningful and fulfilling than I could ever have imagined. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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