Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Passionate, sincere, quiet faith…

Filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky (1932 - 1986) was experimental and innovative and influential. His imagery was often dreamlike, and his themes were metaphysical. He felt that the most crucial aspect of his creative process was his faith. If he could genuinely believe in the work he was doing, he was sure he’d succeed at even the most improbable projects. But that was a challenge for him. ‘There is nothing more difficult to achieve than a passionate, sincere, quiet faith,’ he said. 

— Rob Brezny 

I appreciate Tarkovsky’s honesty and authenticity. I’m definitely a glass-half full, feel good person. I also find indulging in positive fantasies thoroughly enjoyable… and still, I seem to spend a fair bit of time quieting my brain’s what if scenario’s and fearful thoughts. I’ll keep replacing those pesky thoughts with positive ones though because it makes me feel better. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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