Saturday, November 7, 2020

Coping with a terrible day...

* Focus on a familiar activity. (Find a task on your to-do list that’s satisfying but so familiar that it’s not taxing). 

* Tackle an unfamiliar task you’ve been avoiding. (Will help you feel competent and on track). 

* Do half your usual work. (So you don’t feel overwhelmed. Consider taking a mental health day). 

* Connect with others. (Loneliness increases stress and reduces productivity). 

* Drop your fear of negative emotions. (Sadness can enhance creativity and anger can make us more determined). 

— Alice Boyes, PhD clinical psychologist turned author (From Feeling Overhwelmed? Here’s How to Get Through the Workday, Harvard Business Review) 

My favourite therapist says our “negative” emotions provide much insight and can help guide us in setting healthier boundaries. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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